Individual Christian Scientist’s letter to a Radio Host
I’ve been listening to you every weekday for a long time and love your show.

Last week, I heard you characterize Christian Science in your comments about Georgia Engel in a way that saddened me.
I’ve been a Christian Scientist for over 50 years. I started studying it so I could ‘save’ a friend from this ‘dangerous’ religion . . . and was shocked to find that it was amazingly effective in healing, and profoundly honored God.
It might surprise you that Mary Baker Eddy (who founded the Church of Christ, Scientist) recommended having children vaccinated when required, as a practice of the Golden Rule. In my experience—and despite the stereotypes—there has never been any church interference—or intrusion—in any of my family’s health care decisions.
During decades as a Christian Science nurse, I saw many healings through the conscientious practice of this Christian teaching—of cancer, stroke, disability, paralysis, sports injuries, childhood diseases, broken bones, (including several quite senior folks who came straight from the hospital with X-Rays in hand)… and pain overcome as well.
And I have found the practice of Christian Science beneficial in meeting my own health-care needs.
Knowing your integrity and desire “to get it right,” I thought you might be interested in the first-hand experience of one of your Christian Scientist listeners.
A church member was recently led to write a letter, with the support of the Committee office, to a radio show host who mentioned Christian Science in a stereotypical and derisive way after the passing of Georgia Engel:
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Individual Christian Scientist's letter to a Radio Host – Christian Science Committee on Publication for Southern California
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Individual Christian Scientist's letter to a Radio Host – Christian Science Committee on Publication for Southern California