Christian Science Healing and its Effectiveness
The linked article excerpted below entitled, “The fact of healing in Christian Scientists’ experience,” opens with a Bible story of one of Jesus’ healings. First the healing was denied, then when denial proved impossible, an attempt was made to discredit Jesus. When the person who was healed defended Jesus, he was kicked out of the temple. The healings experienced by Christian Scientists often encounter similar denial and disbelief. This generally isn’t personal in nature. Today, as in Jesus’ time, Christian healing challenges the limits of finite mortal thinking.
The article includes two published responses on the value of Christian Science healing. The first is a commentary in a newspaper briefly explaining the effectiveness of Christian Science healing. The second is a comment affirming the relevance and meaning of lived Christianity experienced through healing that was posted in response to a National Geographic article that suggested Christian Science healing is akin to the placebo effect.
“The blanket denial of Christian healing today has its source in the materialism that colors so much of contemporary thought, especially in the academic community. The two commentaries reprinted below respond to this denial. They don’t dismiss the questions raised by many who are skeptical of Christian Scientists’ healing practice. They acknowledge that serious questions deserve serious and thoughtful answers. They were written in the conviction that patience, understanding, truth—and Christian Scientists’ actual healing works, more than words—will ultimately find response in the hearts of honest thinkers.”
Link to article here.