Children and a Christian Science Health Perspective
Care for children is society’s first concern. It’s the primary responsibility of parents. It’s the shared responsibility of everyone. The linked article started below entitled, “Caring for the Children: Wisdom, Humanity and the Heart of Christian Healing”, looks at a Christian Scientists’ perspective on this important subject.
The two responses in the article both concern issues of parental responsibility and protection of children in today’s complex and sometimes troubled society. The first is a comment on a radio interview with a physician noted for his emphasis on the need for better understanding at the interface of medicine and religion. The interview was prompted by a case in the courts involving so-called faith-healing beliefs and practices, which are often mistakenly identified with Christian Scientists’ healing practice.The second response is a letter to a network television commentator regarding a case that did not involve religion specifically at all, though it did present deep legal, ethical, and spiritual issues for everyone connected with it.
“As a Christian Scientist, I’m always grateful for the understanding and respect shown by physicians toward our religious practice, so I particularly appreciate the thoughtful understanding Dr. Ray Barfield seeks to encourage in his medical students toward the varying religious views of those they encounter. I agree with him that the respect needs to be mutual and the listening two-way.
Christian Scientists’ practice and perspective differ considerably from faith healing as that term is usually understood. We don’t believe in eternal damnation, so can relate deeply to Dr. Barfield’s questioning of traditional religious rationalizations for suffering. Actually, our church teaches the unvarying love of God for all humanity—a divine grace encompassing everyone, regardless of faith or background. We don’t see disease or misfortune as somehow a “divine punishment” for personal sins and failings.
However different our perspective is from society’s as a whole, Christian Science emphasizes the humanity at the heart of all genuine healing. We value the kindness and humanity of medical professionals in their efforts to help those who seek their care. Our denomination has always counseled respect for public health authorities and conscientious obedience to the laws of the land, including those requiring vaccination.”
As for the laws relating to care of children, view the Article here.