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To quote our About section:
In a world fraught with religious strife and division, genuine understanding between people of differing faiths and backgrounds sometimes seems as rare as it is vital. Stereotypes abound. Religious believers often find it hard to see past their differences. Secular commentators often lump all faiths together as if they were the same.
Similar obstacles are equally common in public perceptions of Christian Science. Christian Science Committees on Publication have been in dialogue with the world since the early years of the denomination. The clearing away of misconceptions of Christian Science that would obstruct genuine understanding is at the heart of their work.

The articles linked below are just a few recent examples of the ways in which the Committee on Publication works to correct misconceptions Christian Scientists often face.
- Letter to Editor on Manifestation
- Does Prayer Make a Difference?
- Christian Science is not what is commonly called Self-Help; it is Christianity
- Article Published in Magazine shares life of Mary Baker Eddy
- Love — The natural Christian Science response in caring
- Christian Science Not a Prosperity Gospel
- Christian Science Healing and its Effectiveness
- Children and a Christian Science Health Perspective
- Christian Scientists Responding to Humanity
- Christian Science does not ignore evil